Current vacancies:

Singing Group Leader:

HMM Singing group Leaders – this is a freelance role and involves running singing sessions for people living with dementia and their carers. We have 10 groups in Hertfordshire however we are looking to expand. Therefore, we are now seeking enthusiastic individuals who would love to run our groups. In addition to our core sessions there are also further opportunities for employment through events and commissions throughout the year. 

A group leader needs to have a strong singing voice and the confidence to front a group of people. A good repertoire of songs is helpful and the ability to learn songs quickly is very useful. Most of our sessions are acapella but some leaders do use guitars or piano to add contrast. Full paid training will be given to help the potential group leader learn the techniques of working with people with dementia.  Whilst we use music therapy techniques a qualification in this field is not needed as these can be learned through training.

95% of the role is creative – there is a small amount of admin involved; taking money each week and keeping a record of who attends and who has paid. 

The sessions are run in 4 weekly blocks with a break every 5th week for admin and prep.  They last 90 minutes with a 15 minute prep and clear up.   The first 30 minutes allow people to arrive and have tea/coffees etc.  Each Leader is supported by volunteers who manage the refreshments allowing the leader to focus on the delivery. The volunteers will also help with setting the room up and tidying up at the end.   We have a large supply of lyrics kept in a lock up which are available for use.  We provide percussion instruments for the leaders and leaders can claim for expenses, such as printing costs, buying refreshments etc.

It is a very rewarding and important role – HMM leaders are being told on a regular basis how the service we provide is a life safer.   Being a singing leader is like witnessing small miracles to put it into the words on one of our clients ‘Thank you for bringing the sunshine into my mums week’ - Carer


Currently we pay £65 per session with an additional £65 for preparation. HMM are working hard to increase this rate with the ambition of bringing our fees inline with Musician Union recommendations.

We are currently seeking group leaders for our Bishops Stortford and Letchworth Garden City groups.

To discuss the Group Leader position please contact on 020 8950 57575 or email:

Group Volunteer

The sessions are run by our professional Group Leaders who carefully prepare them each week and are responsible for ensuring the sessions run smoothly. Our volunteers play a vital role in supporting this process, helping to make our singing sessions warm and inviting ensuring from the moment our members come through the door they have a positive experience that helps them deal with this devastating illness.  

There are a number of tasks that the Group Leader needs support with, these are: 

  • Helping set up the room and preparing refreshments. 

  • Meet and greet people as they arrive. 

  • Help with the attendance register, signing people in and taking their fees. 

  • Handing out music lyrics once the singing begins. 

  • Handing out musical instruments when needed. 

  • If you are a confident singer – helping with the rounds and the partner song. 

  • Clearing up at the end making sure the hall is neat and tidy, all instruments and lyrics have been collected and are put away. 

We are currently looking volunteers for our Bushey Group and our Borehamwood group. Despite this we will welcome any applications for other groups around Hertfordshire.

If you would like more information, please contact the main office on 020 8950 5757 or email:


Becoming a Trustee for Herts Musical Memories

Herts Musical Memories are celebrating there 8th Year of becoming a charity and we are now at last, beginning to recover from the Pandemic. We urgently need to expand our board to ensure that the charity continues to grow – the following provides some background to our work and lays out what it means to become a trustee.

Herts Musical Memories purposes are:

•        To facilitate structured group sessions designed around the principles of music therapy and group singing for people with dementia and their carers.

Herts Musical Memories objectives are:

•        To provide activities for people with dementia and their carers that help stimulate memories

•        To provide activities that incorporate social interaction and peer support for people with dementia and their carers

•        To reduce feelings of isolation for families coping with dementia and to provide access to artistic and social stimulation

What Herts Musical Memories values are:

Health, wellbeing and equality will be at the core of all Herts Musical Memories activities relating to service users, staff and volunteers and the wider public.

In relation to our service users Herts Musical Memories will actively promote equality for people with dementia.  To free them from fear and isolation and to use our services to demonstrate to the wider public that people with dementia still have a place in society and should be treated with dignity and respect.

The Singing Sessions:

Thank you for Bringing the sunshine into my Mum’s week.’  Carer

Herts Musical Memories provides stimulating social activities   involving music, seated movement and singing for people with dementia and their carers.  The charity runs 9  groups in 4 weekly blocks across Hertfordshire with an admin and song preparation session every 5th week.  There is an average of 25 people per session with sometimes over 30 people attending.  The sessions last 90 minutes with time set aside for socialising and light refreshments. 

Most of the participants are dealing with the impact of an early diagnosis and are usually accompanied by a family member, usually a spouse.  People who live alone often come with a professional carer.

Sessions are held at fixed dates and times in community centres or church halls. The venues are chosen carefully for ease of access, to be on regular bus routes, good parking and for having good facilities. This does mean that, sometimes the venue can be expensive, but the venue plays an important part in making the sessions a positive experience.

The sessions are structured to include a range of activities that are repeated each week providing the service users with a routine that becomes familiar with regular attendance.  Songs are chosen from popular music from the 1950s going up to the 1970s.   The sessions will include; songs that require movement, singing rounds where people get a chance to sing in harmony, rhythm exercises using percussion instruments and exercises in dexterity using bean bags.

The service users are taught new songs – incredibly due to the way the human brain remembers music, people with dementia can cope with this and actively enjoy learning new things – this increases their confidence and boosts their self-esteem.

The sessions are delivered by a professional group leader with the support of volunteers. 


Herts Musical Memories has no formal funding – we raise a contribution through fees which are £6 per session, we raise up to £10,000 per year through events held on our behalf another £5,000 through donations and the rest we have to fundraise for.  To run the charity effectively we need to raise just over £10,000 per group.  To help us achieve this we have developed a 5 year fundraising strategy.  Our goals are to achieve enough funding to recruit a part time administrator, create a reserve of 6 months running costs ensuring a sustainable future.  

‘I’d like to thank you, you make me feel so happy’ - guest

What Does it Involve to Become a Trustee

Trustees share formal responsibility for the charity and must act in its best interests, regardless of how they're elected or appointed. Some trustees may take on specific roles on the board, such as chair, vice-chair, secretary and treasurer.

Herts Musical Memories meets 4 times per year mainly on Zoom but with some face to face in West Hertfordshire.  If a trustee has particular expertise in finance, fundraising, HR we do occasionally hold one on one sub meetings with the CEO.  No experience is necessary as there is plenty of training available – it is a commitment but it is a rewarding commitment.  Becoming a trustee is about taking on a position where you can make a real difference to the people who live in your local community.

Top five traits of a good trustee

·       A good trustee is ready for a challenge – running a small charity is always a challenge and supporting the CEO in facing those challenges is a vital role of a trustee.  Whether it be support, advice or helping to access the necessary expertise that can support the charities development

·       They are open and listen to many voices – there are many people prepared to offer advice and many voices to be heard, from the team running the charity to the beneficiaries.  Listening and understanding enables a trustee to offer advice and help the charity seek solutions that will improve and enable it to reach its goals.

·       Trustees are team players – running a charity is a team effort which is relevant from the Board through to the beneficiaries by working together as a team a charity is more likely to prosper and grow.

·       Trustees have expert knowledge – this expert knowledge can be in training, marketing, fundraising, HR, Law or it could be in a first hand knowledge of the charities services and the impact it has on families and the ability to use that understanding to enhance the charities service for people living with dementia.

·       They exercise good judgement and care – this is essential, working with vulnerable adults comes with a lot of responsibility.   We need to be sure we work within the parameters of Charity Commission’s guidelines to ensure good practice which protects all involved from the  trustees, staff and beneficiaries.

A good trustee also knows what they are doing within the framework of their role. At a basic level, they should understand and know how to act as described by The Charity Commission.  The regulator’s ‘The essential trustee’ guidance sets out six main duties:

·       Ensuring that the charity is working for the benefit of the public

·       Compliance with the law

·       Acting in the best interests of the charity

·       Ensuring accountability

·       Financial responsibility

·       Acting with reasonable care and skill

It may seem overwhelming to become a trustee but it is, as mentioned so rewarding and the satisfaction, that as a trustee you are truly making a positive difference to people lives.

 Please note Herts Musical Memories is based in Bushey, Hertfordshire (Hence why this is the position location listed), however meetings with trustees are typically held in locations within West Hertfordshire or remotely via Zoom.

If you’re interested in applying for this position please contact us via: